goals of manager

18 Goals of Manager That Are Very Significant (Goal Setting & Achieving Ideas)

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Should a manager establish countless goals and call it a day? Or should they, instead, take the time to figure out how to steer the course, then sail themselves and have their team working on the ship? You need to know the best goals for managers before you decide.

Leadership Goals Of A Manager

goals of manager

1. Promote The Proper Mindset

You know a manager has to lead instead of giving orders. In other words, you have to walk in front, marching towards your goals, if you want your people to follow you.

You’re the head of the office. Your thoughts will make the body (those under your care) take action.

This simple truth is the foundation of management. Do you arrive late at the office? Expect everyone else to slowly start doing the same. Do you work late hours? Guess what will soon happen!

2. Figure Out The Big Picture

People often talk about goals and objectives on books and websites. That shouldn’t be your sole focus. The big picture should also occupy your mind from time to time.

What is the big picture for a manager? It’s everything from the basics (such as having office guidelines, which you’ll learn more about below) to more complicated stuff (such as figuring out your year, 5-year, and 10-year plan as a manager).

It’s a big puzzle you’ll have to piece together, though you don’t have to do it all at once. It’s a forever work in progress you have to remind yourself of, so you can put things in perspective. In fact, perspective plays a huge part in seeing the big picture.

3. Look For Future Leaders

Will you be the one and only manager in the world? Of course not! You weren’t born a manager either, though you probably had a little spark someone else recognized in you.

You’re sitting in the big chair now. You have to look for those who will take a seat next to you in the future. It won’t be out of the kindness of your heart, though.

Figuring out who has what it takes to become the next manager means you have someone to take your place when you continue to climb the corporate ladder. Doing so will help you have fewer headaches when it’s time to have more responsibilities, and it’ll help you learn more about your team.

Best Practices Goals Of A Manager

goals of manager

4. Set Boundaries (And Learn To Remove Them)

Walking the fine line between being friendly and being a friend is one of the most challenging aspects of being in charge.

A manager isn’t a co-worker or a friend but something else.

It’s not rare to witness managers make more jokes than they should. The office will let its guard down and see a manager with less authority than before. That’s what happens when those under your care start to see you as a co-worker!

Should you frown all the time and expect people to stand up when you enter the room? Of course not! Learn to keep your distance. It’s okay to make a joke, but remember you’re an authority figure.

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5. Listen More Than You Speak

You’re doing something wrong if you have a sore throat by the end of your business hours. You should spend way more time listening to your workers (and thinking about their issues) than you spend giving orders or lecturing others.

Sometimes, there’s no way out than telling someone what to do. However, if you have to spend your entire day doing that, you’re the one making the biggest mistake of all by being a bad manager.

You’re doing great when people spend their time working and come to you for advice every so often. A well-oiled machine doesn’t need fixing every second.

6. Focus On Having 1-On-1 Meetings

A 1-on-1 meeting is very powerful. It can also be catastrophic for productivity. So, you have to take this fine art and learn to develop your 1-on-1 craft with care.

Let’s imagine you’re in the office for a second. You announce you’ll have a round of 1-on-1 meetings with everyone throughout the evening. How does the office react? Are they nervous? Do they panic? Is it all business as usual?

Hopefully, a 1-on-1 with management is an opportunity for growth. That’s what your workers should feel when they sit down to talk with you. Otherwise, you have some work to do.

Professional Growth Goals Of A Manager

goals of manager

7. Take Someone Under Your Wing

What does a manager do? They motivate their workers to do better. They take the time to learn about their workers, so they can better figure out their strengths and weaknesses. How can they do that? They have to become mentors.

What does that have to do with your personal growth? You’ll learn more about yourself by mentoring others. Explaining a concept, figuring out a strategy for someone else, and using your experience to help people takes effort and introspection.

Take someone under your wing if you don’t believe that. You may learn more by mentoring someone than by trying to improve yourself.

8. Take A Course To Change The Course

Do you think you have nothing else to learn now that you’re the manager? Think again! You may be a black belt in your department, but that doesn’t mean you’re not a white belt manager.

Fortunately, you don’t have to break wood with your fists or fight with ten other people to get better. You can read a book, take a course, or talk to veteran managers to better yourself and your craft.

Corporate will pay for courses if you’re lucky enough (or if you can leverage your worth into perks).

9. Set A Growth Over Gain Mindset

What are we all doing in the office but trying to cash a check? Workers, shareholders, and corporations want to earn more money than last month, but having that mindset is going to cost you a lot in the long run.

Now, wait a minute. You don’t have to become minimalistic and work for the sake of working alone. You have to have ambition! However, you have to see an increase in the profit line as a consequence of growth.

That way, you’ll try to grow instead of stressing over a few cents.

You’ll grow as a person, as a worker, and as a manager. The people under your wing will do the same. Money (and a few more things, like a better office environment) will come trickling in as a result.

Performance Review Goals Of A Manager

goals of manager

10. Set Ambitious Objectives (And Calibrate Later)

What do you want out of this week? This month? This year? You have to figure that out before moving forward. You also have to find out what you want as a manager and how doing that can help the office.

Take a step back and figure out if you’re being honest with yourself after doing that. Are you asking too much or too little? Set goals for yourself and the office, and figure out where you stand after a month, a semester, or a year.

Aristotle believed moderation was the key to a successful life, so it’s up to you to find a balance between shooting for the stars and falling to the ground. That’s the only way to stand up straight.

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11. Know When To Ask For More

The perfect manager knows when workers can give a little more. Don’t use that mindset to grind the office into exhaustion. Pinpoint where workers can become better, improve their efficiency, and similar things.

The key behind asking for more without inducing burnout is to do more with less, not throw everyone into an impossible work schedule. Doing the former will make your workers happier than before, while the latter will make a handful of resignation letters appear on your desk soon enough.

For example, introduce automation into the workplace and have human workers focus on the big picture. You can ask for more that way, and the office may have to do less to achieve it.

12. Be Ready To Pull Back

Most books and websites will tell you to do more, but few tell you to pull back. That makes management look like a “push, push, and push” kind of job. The truth is you have to give a little push and then pull back for a while to see what happens.

If you truly want to see performance growth, you have to provide a plan and then sit back to see how your workers follow through. Step back in and push a few pieces back into place if necessary, but you won’t have to do that if the plan is solid.

Do you know what the worst thing a manager can do is? Micromanaging workers. It destroys enthusiasm and bottoms performance. Don’t do that!

Long-Term Goals Of A Manager

Long term goals of manager

13. Become A Mentor Instead Of A Manager

Managers have a bad rep. I mean, do you do anything other than give orders? Well, of course you do, but people won’t get to see it until it benefits them one way or the other.

That’s where mentorship over management comes in. Use your hard-earned wisdom to improve the lives of the people who share the office with you. Take the time to listen to those who need someone to talk to. Offer advice if asked.

Yes, you have to focus on goals, objectives, and productivity, but let that take the backseat for a while and focus on your people skills. It’ll do wonders.

14. Shape An All-Star Team

Shaping an all-star team doesn’t happen overnight, but it does happen one day at a time. You have to spend time with your workers to pick their strengths and weaknesses as well as whether there’s room for growth.

It’s a tedious process that takes time. Sometimes, it’ll frustrate you to no end. It’ll change your work life like no other thing once you succeed.

You won’t believe what you’ll notice when you start paying attention to the small stuff in your team, let alone when you figure out how to shape their potential.

15. Work As Little As Possible

“Work as little as possible” should sound a little off-putting if you love being a manager, but that should be your number one goal. It doesn’t mean coming late to the office and being quick to cash your check. It means being as efficient as possible.

How can you become efficient as a manager? Spend your time improving those working under you. You’re in charge of shaping your department, and you’ll do little work if you’re doing a good job.

In contrast, you know you have to change a few things about the way you work if you have to step in all the time.

Short-Term Goals Of A Manager

16. Establish Office Guidelines

The most important thing right here right now is to have a nice work environment. You can’t have teammates clash or not know how to respond to issues if you want to achieve your goals.

How can you avoid any issues in the office? You can’t. You’re working with humans, and they tend to have issues from time to time, especially when they spend so much time together.

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However, you can set up rules and guidelines they can follow to avoid small issues from turning into big grudges.

Your guidelines should include rules about showing up on time, dressing accordingly, and how to behave.

17. Identify Your True Team

This one is rather rough. Your true team is the one that’ll stick around for a long time. The guys and gals you’ll work for a few years at least and may even get to know their family outside the office.

What’s so hard about doing that? Well, it means you have to identify problematic workers and those who are just passing by. After that, you have to figure out whether to show them the door or wait until they find it themselves.

Of course, you have to fire bad apples on the spot, but what will you do about those who don’t feel like becoming part of the team? Making these decisions is a big part of your job!

18. Get Your First Follower

Your first follower is the first person that’ll see you as a leader. Everyone has to deem you their manager because that’s the way it is, but that doesn’t mean they’ll be happy to take orders from you because of that.

That’s why getting the first follower is crucial. It’s the first domino that’ll make the others fall. How can you get your first follower? Shake things up in the office. Bring up new ways to solve old issues. More importantly, try not to fix what’s not broken when doing that.

Your first follower will be the first to see you have what it takes to take them to the next level. Think long about what you have to do to make that happen.

How Should a Manager Set Their Goals?

smart goals of manager

A manager should set goals based on their team. You can’t establish anything (let alone long-term goals) if you don’t spend time with those you’re working with. So, before you think about monthly or yearly objectives, you need to spend time with the guys and gals you manage.

Doing so could prove easier said than done. Corporate could demand X, Y, or Z – and they don’t care how that gets done. However, you can shape orders from upper management to better suit those under your watch (and yourself).

You can trust good, old SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals) to help you after you know your team (and what you want).

What Are The Effective Ways To Achieve These Goals?


Motivation is the name of the game when it comes to achieving goals. It’s the only way you have as a manager to ensure workers don’t fall victim to complacency after spending a long time in the workforce. The same thing happens to you.

What’s the right way to motivate your team? You have to use the carrot. Firing up a motivational video you found on YouTube won’t do the trick. Offer something they want instead.

Remember, you have to know your team before you set up goals, and it’s the same way if you want to motivate them to achieve those goals.

Fortunately, most people want the same, something like a bonus, paid dinner, and time off. At the same time, you have to search within yourself to see what moves you to achieve your managerial goals.

Wrap Up

A manager must focus on several goals, from promoting the proper mindset to setting boundaries, and more. Achieving these goals is never easy, so looking for motivation within is always the first move.

A good manager will figure out how to set everything in motion, and their team will soon follow.


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Jorge Raziel author of Thebestbusinessadvice


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