How to Make Money on Pinterest A Comprehensive Guide to Monetizing Your Pins in 2024

How to Make Money on Pinterest: A Comprehensive Guide to Monetizing Your Pins in 2024

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Pinterest is a popular visual discovery engine or social network that allows users to explore, share, promote, and save visual content.

Pinterest’s visually-driven platform offers serious potential for users to make money on Pinterest. Attracting over 522 million active users, this social network provides a large audience group for promoting content or products, driving traffic to blogs and websites, and leveraging affiliate marketing.

Stop Pinning for fun and Pin for profit! Our comprehensive guide explores multiple ways you can monetize your Pins in 2024. Here’s how to utilize your Pinterest platform to maximize your monetizing potential as a blogger, freelancer, or online entrepreneur.

Understanding the Pinterest Ecosystem

The Pinterest Ecosystem allows people to share, save, and categorize images they are interested in. It uses platform-specific features to make it a hybrid social and business platform and visual search engine.

Here’s a quick take on the most-used terms:

  • Pins: When a user saves a visual bookmark on Pinterest, it is known as a Pin.” Pins include images, videos, articles, recipes, and products. Each Pin is linked to its original source via a link. You can link your content to your blog or website to increase referral traffic. 
  • Boards: Pinterest boards are where other users — aka Pinners — save, collect, and organize their Pins. When you save a Pin, you can choose which board you’d like to Pin it on. With a Pinterest business account, having boards for different categories makes it easy for others to explore your profile and unique ideas. Pinners can either follow your entire account or a specific board they’re interested in. 
  • Followers: Like TikTok, Instagram, and other social media platforms, Pinterest is an online community. Engaging with the community is essential to gaining followers and creating meaningful connections. Followers are both potential customers and a means to boost brand visibility through re-Pins, likes and comments. 

“A picture is worth a thousand words.” The modern world of marketing is all about what catches the eye of consumers. 

Visual content is easy to understand, beyond linguistic barriers, and has a direct effect on our human emotions.

High-quality visuals and engaging content are essential to stand out in today’s overcrowded digital landscape. Compelling visuals allow businesses to cut through the noise and connect with users on an emotional level. 

Visual content helps increase engagement, establish a brand identity, build brand awareness, and drive sales. 

Identifying your Pinterest niche and defining your target audience is crucial to monetizing your Pins. A well-defined niche allows you to claim your market expertise and stand out. Now, you’re a big fish in a much smaller pond.

Defining your niche is an ongoing process of testing and refinement. As your brand grows and you engage with your target audience, you may need to adjust or reposition yourself to cater to their needs, preferences, pain points, and desires. 

Building a Strong Foundation for Monetization

Create a new Pinterest business account or switch your personal account to a business account to optimize your profile and access helpful growth features. 

The business account gives you access to the Pinterest Business Hub, advertising features, and performance analytics on your Pins. Business owners can create idea ads, video ads, collection ads, product catalogs, and carousels with the business account. 

Optimize your profile with these five tips:

  1. Create an evoking profile that calls attention to your niche. 
  2. Identify your core audience and customize your content to their needs.
  3. Invest in creating high-quality, captivating Pins with relevant keywords to grab Pinners’ attention. 
  4. Use clear call-to-action in your Pins. 
  5. Post content frequently and consistently to keep your audience engaged.

PinGenerator is a new, efficient Pinterest toolkit for affiliate marketers, businesses, and bloggers. It helps save with automated Pin creation and scheduling. It even includes an AI text writer that creates Pins’ titles and descriptions. 

There are several ways to make money on Pinterest, from shoppable Pins to affiliate marketing, paid partnerships, collaborations, and more. 

After identifying your monetization objectives and strategies, set clear goals to help you generate revenue. Review your performance using Pinterest Analytics and Key Performance Indicators like Pin engagements, revenue, and conversions. 

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Researching and analyzing popular trends and keywords on Pinterest can provide helpful insight for content creation and marketing. 

The top trends for 2024 include:

  • Video Pins
  • Shoppable Pins
  • Mobile Optimization 
  • Voice Search Optimization

Keywords boost your Pinterest presence and drive how users find content on the platform. The content is filtered for users based on their searches and the Pins they click on and save. 

Conducting keyword research ensures your Pinterest content is search engine optimized, allowing the content to be discovered by the right audience. Knowing what keywords your ideal client will use when searching for content boosts engagement and creates a better user experience.

The best places to do keyword research for your account include:

  • Pinterest Search Bar: Pay attention to keywords that autofill when tyPing and keep an eye out for trends and volume over time. 
  • Related searches or shop similar: Related searches give you ideas for longtail keywords.
  • Pinterest Trends Tool: The tool compiles data on the past 30 days’ trending Pins and searches. It can give you an inside scoop on the latest trends and terms used to find content. 
  • Pinterest Suggested Keywords: When creating a new Pin, Pinterest generates recommended keywords based on the image and description used. 

 Creating Compelling Content

Structuring a content strategy to generate revenue is all about leveraging Pinterest’s unique characteristics and algorithms and developing a thorough understanding of your target audience. 

Build successful monetizing content with the following possible strategies:

  • Selling products or services directly
  • Advertising
  • Increasing affiliate sales
  • Driving traffic to your blog or website
  • Growing your subscriber base on Pinterest
  • Donations and Crowdfunding

After defining your goals, ensure you establish key performance indicators like clicks, conversion, and revenue, to measure the success of your content strategy. 

Create aesthetic Pins that drive engagement with strategic headlines and descriptions. Here are our top tips to ensure your Pins’ headlines stand out among the crowd:

  • Clear, Readable Fonts: Use easy-to-read fonts. High-contrast colors help the Pin stand out.
  • Consistent Branding: Use brand colors, fonts, and logos consistently across the platform to create a recognizable and cohesive identity. 
  • Whitespace: Leaving whitespace around your text and images improves readability and helps highlight key elements.

Pinterest favors high-resolution, vertical images (2:3 ratio). The vertical images perform better than horizontal and square ones. They take up more space in Pinners’ feeds, making them more noticeable. 

Focus on SEO optimization to improve your visibility and reach. Use relevant keywords throughout your content and maintain a consistent style to build trust with your audience. 

You can also improve your discoverability by incorporating trending keywords naturally into your Pins and Boards.

Growing Your Pinterest Presence

For successful monetization on Pinterest, it’s important to prioritize followers and engagement. To maximize your followers, ensure your Pins are high-quality and relevant, use strategic keywords, and regularly update your board. 

A larger follower base means more people are likely to see and engage with your Pins. Increased followers and engagement are beneficial for your Pinterest page for several reasons:

  • It builds a strong community.
  • Its algorithms favor content with high engagement.
  • It boosts your brand’s credibility and authority.
  • It increases traffic.

Here are our top ten strategies to increase your Pinterest followers organically:

  1. Optimize your profile.
  2. Create content that’s original, valuable, and relevant to your audience.
  3. Maintain a consistent posting schedule. Content calendars are great for planning themed Pins. 
  4. Use vertical images as they perform better on Pinterest.
  5. Cultivate a relationship with your target audience by responding to comments and messages.
  6. Collaborate with brands and influencers relevant to your niche.
  7. Use trending and relevant keywords and hashtags in your Pins.
  8. Keep track of Pinterest trends. 
  9. Use Pinterest Analytics to determine what content performs best. Use the insights to improve your approach. 
  10. Share your profile across other social channels. 

Group boards are collaborative boards that allow multiple users to contribute Pins to a topic-related board. 

While group boards aren’t as effective as new Pins and fresh engagement, they can help drive traffic to your website and boost exposure. 

To get the most out of group boards, join high-quality boards with active and engaged members. If you’re creating your own group board, be sure to post high-quality, relevant posts regularly.

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Joining or creating group boards can help increase content creators’ and marketers’ exposure to a larger audience. 

Pin Groupie is a great site to help you choose high-quality group boards. 

Forming genuine relationships with influencers can help expand your brand’s visibility as you’ll have access to their audience.

Ensure you collaborate with influencers that align with your brand’s values and niche. You can leverage their reach via user-generated content, cross-promotion, and special promotions.

Exploring Different Monetization Methods

Affiliate marketing is a lucrative advertising model in which creators can partner with affiliates to promote their products or services. The marketing strategy works particularly well for Pinterest as the platform is mostly used to discover or shop for new products.

Here’s how to get started with affiliate marketing on Pinterest:

  1. Select relevant affiliate products and programs: Ensure you select affiliate products and programs that align with your niche and Pinterest’s visual nature. You can also join free affiliate programs like ShareASale or Amazon Associates.
  2. Integrate affiliate links into Pins and descriptions: Create eye-catching, evergreen Pins to integrate your affiliate link and pair them with SEO-optimized descriptions. Note that Pinterest requires users to disclose when they use affiliate links. Consider using “#affiliate” or “#ad” in your descriptions.
  3. Track and optimize affiliate campaigns: Use Pinterest Analytics to monitor your Pins’ performance and adjust your strategies accordingly to improve your affiliate campaign’s optimization. 

Pinterest Shopping makes it straightforward to sell products and services directly to Pinners. Here’s how:

  1. Set up a Pinterest Shop: Create a business account and claim your website (under account settings). After claiming your website, you can add a shop and upload your product catalog. You can set up your shop using platforms like Amazon, Etsy, and Shopify
  2. Showcase products through rich Pins and buyable Pins: Rich Pins automatically sync information like pricing, availability, and purchase links from your site. You can tag your products and services directly to your Pins to make shopping easy for users.
  3. Manage transactions and customer interactions: Ensure your transactions run smoothly by implementing strong call-to-actions, offering quick, mobile-friendly landing pages, and promoting your shopping Pins with ads. The best way to manage customer interactions is through valuable content, consistent branding, engagement, and keeping up with the latest trends. 

You can use Pinterest to drive engagement and monetize your content. It works similarly to the way content creators and influencers collaborate with companies to promote products and services via TikTok and Instagram. 

  1. Approach brands and negotiate sponsored Pin deals: Approach brands that align with your niche and tailor a pitch unique to each brand. Be clear about the terms, rates, and expectations. Tip: brands are more likely to collaborate with you if you have a large and engaged following. 
  2. Maintain authenticity and transparency in sponsored content: Ensure sponsored content and partnerships align with your brand’s voice, values, and style, as well as with Pinterest’s guidelines. Be transparent about partnerships with other brands or influencers. 
  3. Collaborate with brands for long-term partnerships: When looking for long-term partnerships, ensure you define your goals and expectations from the get-go. Focus on maintaining a healthy relationship and creating mutual value. Monitor the success of the collaboration regularly and adjust strategies where needed. 

Analyzing and Optimizing Performance

Analyzing your performance on Pinterest gives you a deeper insight into how users engage with your Pins, boards, and website. You can use these insights to optimize your performance.

Pinterest Analytics is freely available if you have a business account. Use Pinterest Analytics tools to track impressions, Pin performance, ROIs, and engagement statistics and to understand your audience’s behavior. 

You can use these results to refine your strategy and boost your performance. 

KPIs are pivotal to evaluating monetization success. They help you make data-driven choices and optimize your marketing strategy.

Here are the top KPIs for measuring your Pinterest monetizing success:

  • Impressions: The number of times your Pins are seen.
  • Engagement: How many clicks, saves, and interactions occur with your Pins. 
  • Search Engine Rankings: The number of ranking targeted keywords and backlinks and the volume of organic traffic.
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): The ratio of clicks you receive on a Pin compared to the number of times it has been shown.
  • Followers: The increase of new followers on your profile or a specific board.
  • Traffic: The amount of traffic directed from your Pins to your website. 
  • Conversion Rate: The ratio of visitors that take a desired action like purchasing a product.
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Here are useful strategies you can experiment with to optimize your monetization results on Pinterest:

  • Experiment with your content design: Use high-quality, vertical images with a consistent style. 
  • Incorporate relevant trending keywords and SEOs into your titles, boards, and descriptions.
  • Use strong Call-to-Actions like “Shop now” or “Learn more” to boost user interaction.
  • Create Rich Pins and Shoppable Pins to link information directly to the Pin.
  • Consider using Pinterest ads to promote visibility and target a larger audience.
  • Use A/B testing to find which designs and posting times work best.

Pinterest has a set of community and paid partnership guidelines that help users create and interact with content that’s productive, safe, inspiring, and respectful. The guidelines also apply to messages and comments sent between Pinners.

Here’s an overview of Pinterest’s guidelines and policies:

Community Guidelines

Pinterest isn’t a place for inappropriate or harmful content, including:

  • Adult content
  • Exploitation
  • Hateful activities
  • Misinformation
  • Harassment and criticism
  • Child exploitation
  • Privacy violation
  • Self-harm content
  • Graphic/Violet threats
  • Dangerous goods and activities 
  • Impersonation or misrepresenting affiliation 
  • Copyright or trademark infringement

Intellectual Property

  • Respect copyrighting: do not Pin/re-pin other users’ content without their permission.
  • Give proper credit to creators when sharing their work.
  • Refrain from using Pinterest’s name, logo, and trademark in a confusing or deceptive way.

Site & Security

  • Refrain from tampering with Pinterest’s systems, software, or technical providers’ systems.
  • Avoid storing or sharing personally identifiable information or passwords on the platform.

Paid Partnerships

All paid partnerships are obliged to disclose the commercial nature of their Pins or content. 

  • Users must comply with community guidelines
  • Must adhere to advertising guidelines and laws.
  • Clearly disclose when promoting a product or service.

Affiliate Guidelines

Follow Pinterest’s paid partnership guidelines:

  • Ensure affiliate content is unique and original.
  • Disclose affiliate links and sponsored content.
  • Avoid manipulating algorithms and traffic. 

Scaling and Diversifying Your Monetization Efforts

Increasing your Pinterest monetization efforts includes optimizing your current strategies and diversifying into new revenue pathways.

Follow these strategies to scale your Pinterest business effectively:

  • Invest in high-quality, visually appealing Pins.
  • Include relevant keywords and SEOs in Pin descriptions and board titles.
  • Invest in promoted Pins, video Pins, and carousel ads.
  • Engage with your community.
  • Use Pinterest Analytics to analyze your performance. 
  • Increase monetization with collaborations, cross-promotion, and affiliate marketing.
  • Enhance user experience with rich Pins and optimized landing pages.
  • Stay up to date with the latest Pinterest trends.

Explore new income streams beyond Pinterest to ensure your work reaches its full potential.

Stay up-to-date with the latest tech and marketing trends and spend lots of time learning about your audience and their wants. 

The best additional revenue systems lie within partnerships, collaborations, and subscriptions. With creativity, hard work, and passion, you can capitalize on Pinterest and beyond.

Pinterest continuously evolves and refines its platform and algorithms to ensure Pinners are provided with the most relevant content. Staying informed of the changes will help you optimize your content and increase your profits.

The latest algorithm key changes include the following:

  1. Enhanced personalization
  2. Favors fresh and unique content over re-pins
  3. Use clear, relevant, and updated keywords in your Pins. 
  4. Engagement metrics like clicks, saves, and comments are promoted more frequently.

It’s worth taking the time to research and understand new Pinterest features and updates to optimize your Pins accordingly. Monitor your Pins’ performance and experiment with A/B testing to see which Pins perform best.


You can make money on Pinterest, incorporate strategies like affiliate marketing, selling products, and creating sponsored content and partnerships. 

Strategically leverage Pinterest’s tools and features to turn your Pins into profit. The future of Pinterest shines bright. It will continue to be a lucrative platform for users to earn money in 2024.



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Jorge Raziel author of Thebestbusinessadvice
Jorge Raziel author of Thebestbusinessadvice


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