1 million views on youtube money

How Much Money Can You Make with 1 Million Views on YouTube?

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YouTube is the biggest platform in the world for video content creators, and thousands of videos flood the web daily. YouTube provides exposure to videos and allows millions of viewers to get the best information from their favorite channels. Content creators spend hours making videos from which they earn thousands of dollars.

YouTube specializes in video content as an entertainment and information source that draws millions of viewers worldwide. YouTube uses monetization, which is the process of financially rewarding content creators through the number of viewers and advertisements that play during their videos.

Starting a YouTube channel is rewarding, especially if you have a large following or subscribers. YouTube pays good money to channels with good video content; some videos earn over $10,000 for a million views.

A million views can earn large amounts of money, but aspects like copyright, demographics, harmful content, and other factors regulated by YouTube could influence earnings.

Factors Affecting YouTube Earnings

Ad Revenue

Businesses place ads that run during YouTube videos to advertise their products or services, and the video creator is compensated for each one viewed. Earning money from ads that play during videos is called YouTube monetization earnings. A business that wants to run an ad during a YouTube video generates the ad through Google AdSense Network.

The video creator earns money only when the advertisers’ ad is completely viewed. Earning money from ads that play during a video is easy, and the same goes for placing an ad. YouTube has strict governing regulations that both video creators and advertisers must follow.

Monetization guidelines include community guidelines, copyright, terms of service, and Google AdSense.

Monetization guidelines are set in place to protect YouTube, advertisers, and video creators from legal action. Everyone registered, and those who want to join must abide by YouTube’s Partner Program regulations to qualify.

YouTube Partner Program

Earning money from videos and ads inserted to play during your video is very profitable, and setting it up is quite simple. Before earning money from your video, you must become a registered member of YouTube’s Partner Program, and the best method is to register a Google AdSense account.

After registering your Google AdSense account, you must link it to your YouTube channel, whereafter it will come up for monetization through AdSense consideration. After your video meets YouTube’s requirements, they will authorize it for monetization. YouTube has qualifying regulations you must meet before becoming a part of its Partner Program.

Here are the Partner Program requirements:

  • You must have five hundred subscribers.
  • During the last 90 days, you must have at least three video uploads.
  • You must have at least three thousand watch hours in the past year. Alternatively, with Shorts views, you must have three million views in the last 90 days.
  • The country where you live must have access to the program.
  • To start monetizing your YouTube channel, set up an AdSense account and connect it to your channel.
  • There are zero current community guidelines strikes active on your channel.
  • Following YouTube’s monetization regulations is compulsory.
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Some factors prevent ads from appearing on your video like:

  • If your video content is not advertiser-friendly.
  • If your video content does not suit the ad or individual ad formats.
  • If your audience’s viewing device, demographic, or interest is not aligned with the advertiser target.
  • Other factors include your viewer’s geography, whether they have a Premium subscription, and whether they recently saw an ad.

CPM (Cost per Thousand Impressions)

CPM (cost per mille) or CPT (cost per thousand) is what an advertiser will pay per thousand views of their ad on YouTube. Fifty-five percent of the earnings YouTube gives to the content creator. CPM or CPT is an essential measuring tool and helps content creators evaluate what content is profitable.

Advertising is vital for monetization on YouTube, and here are factors that will increase or decrease your CPM:

  • Your Geographic Location.
  • Your audience’s age.
  • Your niche or industry.
  • Is your niche or industry subject to seasonal changes?
  • Add types placed on your video.
  • Is your video content kid friendly?
  • Is your video content safe for viewing?

Engagement and Audience Retention

Keeping your viewer engaged and increasing viewer quality is essential to monetization because high audience retention leads to more views. YouTube uses an algorithm to measure your viewer retention and assign ads accordingly.

Here are strategies to help content creators retain viewers:

  • Create compelling hooks to inform your viewer that it is worth watching. An example of a good hook is introducing value or a reward if the viewer watches the video. Other examples of a good hook are to provide a preview of what is coming or a sneak peek of an explosive moment coming up later in the video.
  • Use pattern interruptions like graphics, screenshots, or a sudden video color change to engage the viewers’ thought patterns and keep their attention.
  • Study your videos’ peaks and valleys to identify where your viewers drop off and lose attention so that you can improve or correct it.
  • Stay on the script and limit erring in your video.
  • Ensure that your video is a good visual and audio quality.

Estimating Earnings with 1 Million Views

Average CPM Rates

Various factors impact CPM rates, and the algorithm used to come through each video to calculate its CPM is very advanced. Even giving an estimation is challenging, but here are ways to get the best rates, what you could earn, and how.

CPM rates are affected by their geographical location and fluctuate in different countries. Videos targeting countries with high CPM rates will earn more even if it has fewer views than videos with a low CPM rate with more views.

Here are six countries currently with the highest CPM rates:

  • Germany
  • Australia
  • Canada
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Algeria
  • New Zealand

Here are the countries currently with the lowest CPM rates:

  • Ukraine 
  • Serbia 

CPM rates Depending on the Type of Video

The content shown in the video plays a large part in the CPM rates, and there are a few factors to consider. First, you must know that videos harmful to children or insight violent behavior will affect the CPM rate.

Here are six types of video content with the best CPM rates:

  • Finance and Investing
  • Technology
  • Digital Marketing
  • Beauty and Fashion
  • Educational Content
  • Health and Wellness

Video ads are linked to end-user demand; here is an example to understand better.

The UK provides one of the highest CPM rates in the world and averages between $3 and $6 per thousand views. Advertisers in the UK use the Ad Exchange Platform that considers engagement, location, etc., and reach rates between $3 and $8.

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Here are four types of ads a publisher can choose and how it affects the rates:

  • In-stream video ads – this ad can be skipped, but it saves revenue for each view which amounts to between $3 and $8.
  • Pre-Roll video ad – this ad is common. Pre-Roll ads play before you watch the video; viewers cannot skip it to get to the content. With proper presentation, you can get the viewer to continue and reach a CPM between $3 and $8.
  • Mid-Roll ads – works the same as Pre-Roll ads, but they play in the middle of the video.
  • Outstream video ads – this ad is displayed in a limited ad space, appears between content and images, and produces a CPM rate between $4 and $8.

There is one other factor called Native videos which produces a CPM upwards of $5. 

YouTube CPM Rates By Niche

The type of video and its content is vital regarding CPM rates; your niche is essential. 

Here are six popular niches and their potential rates:

  • Entertainment – this niche is common and does not perform as well as others, and its average CPM is $2, with its lowest about $0.50, but it can go as high as $10.
  • News and Politics – this niche’s CPM is like entertainment and starts as low as $0.50 and has a higher average of $5 that can go up to $30.
  • Sports – This niche has a $7 CPM average that starts as low as $2 and can go as high as $25.
  • Pets and Animals – this niche’s CPM average is around $1.50, starts as low as $0.25, and peaks at $5.
  • Cars and Motorcycles – This niche’s CPM average is $3, starts at $1, and goes as high as $10.
  • Beauty and Fashion – Beauty and fashion are a popular niche with a CPM average of $10, starting at $2 with a potential CPM of $50.

Calculating Potential Ad Revenue

The number of followers, subscribers, and views are all part of your RPM (revenue per 1000 impressions), and your monetization depends on your level. Typically, YouTube’s RPM is between $1.36 and $3.40.

Calculating your potential revenue per million views takes simple math. Once you reach a million views, you are considered influential and earn between $1.2 and $6 CPM (earnings per thousand views). If your CPM is $1.2, multiply it by a thousand to get your earnings per million views ($1.2 X 1000 = $1,200). If your CPM is $6, multiply it by a thousand ($6 X 1000 = $6,000).

It is essential to remember that YouTube deducts 45% of AdSense’s commission. The CPM is linked to earning factors like content, geographics, demographics, etc., and YouTube considers all these factors before calculating your CPM.

Additional Revenue Streams

Earning from YouTube videos does not end with your CPM and RPM, and there are various other avenues you must consider adding to your revenue stream.

Brand Deals and Sponsorships

Brands prefer working with YouTube influencers with a large following, subscribers, and viewers to market their products and services. Often brands and creators agree on a set fee to sponsor a YouTube video.

YouTube Premium Revenue

Fans with a YouTube Premium membership can support their favorite channels without ads, and creators get paid from views by non and premium members. YouTube pays creators secondary earnings from Premium members on top of earnings from regular viewers with ads.

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Sell Products or Merchandise

Once your YouTube channel has a large following and subscribers, you have other ways to earn some extra money. The most popular way to use your large following to earn money is to sell your merchandise. You will earn extra money, but it also increases your exposure with some creators promoting their brand, which spills over into stores.

Become an Affiliate Marketer

Selling and marketing a brand’s product is a great way to earn extra revenue. Endorsing a product or service is lucrative, but you must disclose your affiliation or partnership to your viewers.

Case Studies and Examples

Once a video on YouTube hits a million views, the creator starts earning serious money. Depending on the CPM rate, a million views can produce thousands of dollars in revenue.

Here are two case studies of YouTube video creators and what they earned with a million and more views:

Shelby Church

In an interview with Business Insider in 2019, Shelby Church said she made a video about the tech giant Amazon. When the Amazon video aired on YouTube, Shelby’s channel had about 600,000 subscribers with average monthly earnings of $4,500. The Amazon video was a great success and was viewed 1.8 million times, earning her a staggering $30,000.

Shelby Church is considered a YouTube influencer, and her total YouTube channel earnings in 2020 amounted to $224,307. Shelby’s channel generates money through sponsorships, brand partnerships, and collaborations with various companies.

Vy Qwaint

No one knows the YouTube video earning potential better than Vy Qwaint, who averages more than 2.45 million views per day and about 73.52 million views per month. A strong social media presence boosts Vy Qwaint’s following, and she earns $294.09 monthly from sponsorships and advertising and selling her merchandise. 

Vy Qwaint’s yearly earnings amount to roughly $4.41 million, and she earns about $4,000 per million views using simple math. $4,000 per million views and 2.45 million views per day make Vy Qwaint’s earnings about $9.800 daily.

Strategies to Maximize Earnings on YouTube

SEO is the process that improves content ranking in search engines, and it is vital to a video’s success. Content creators know that optimizing videos is vital to boost revenue, and improving your SEO is essential.

Here are SEO tips to help optimize your YouTube channel:

  • Know your audience’s behavior and demographic to boost your YouTube channel. 
  • Informative, engaging, high-quality content will lead to more views and entertained viewers, leading to higher revenue.
  • Using relevant tags and keywords in your descriptions and titles helps your videos rank in SEO.
  • Enable monetization to run Ads on all your videos.
  • Experiment with various formats like pre- and mid-roll ads, including sponsored content.
  • Analyze and keep track of your video analytics, engagement metrics, and ad revenue, and use the data to perfect your ad strategy and content.
  • Partner with brands to fund your content, ensuring it aligns with your video’s approach.


It is crucial to have persistence and invest time in understanding your viewers to become a successful content creator on YouTube. Monetization is subject to creating good, clean, and valued content; demographics, geographics, etc., are essential to boost your CPM.

Regulations affect earnings, and a million views with good content will earn more than a million views with poor content.


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