what jobs can you get at 14

What Jobs Can You Get At 14: 25 Jobs That Really Pay Well

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If you’re 14, it’s not too early to start earning an income for yourself, and many teenagers already start looking for a job that pays well. However, there are some legal requirements to take note of. 

According to Federal law, anyone may start working for an income when they are 14 years old, as long as the job isn’t hazardous or related to manufacturing. This limits your options a bit, but you can look for jobs in industries such as retail, food services, pet care, entertainment, technology, and community services.

This will give you some cash to spend, but even more importantly, it will provide you with valuable job experience for future job applications. It will also teach you valuable life lessons that prepare you for life after high school. So, let’s look at 25 well-paying jobs that you can apply for if you’re 14 or older.

Jobs in the Retail Industry

1. Sales Associate in a Clothing Store

Sales Associate in a Clothing Store
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Sales associates work in clothing stores, and their primary purpose is to help customers. They can make recommendations about clothing, find different sizes, and answer general questions. When they’re not helping customers, they assist with the general organization and cleaning of the store.

These sales associates usually earn a basic hourly salary, but it’s also possible to earn commissions on your sales, increasing your income considerably.

2. Cashier at a Local Grocery Store

Cashier at a Local Grocery Store
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Cashiers don’t necessarily have the most exciting job, but it carries much responsibility, which looks great on a resume. It also pays surprisingly well – it’s not impossible to earn between $18,000 and $30,000 per year.

Cashiers work long hours and work directly with customers, so it can be a bit of a thankless job, but it’s a great start with potential for promotion.

3. Stock Clerk at a Retail Store

Stock Clerk at a Retail Store
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Stock clerks don’t usually work directly with customers unless a customer asks where to find something, so a good knowledge of the store’s layout is essential. But most of the time, a stock clerk receives stock and packs the products on shelves. It also includes sorting the products and keeping tabs on when the supply of a particular product is running low.

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Jobs in the Food Service Industry

4. Server or Host at a Family Restaurant

Server or Host at a Family Restaurant
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One of the first thoughts that most people have when thinking of a way to earn some money is to become a waiter or server at a restaurant, and it’s a great opportunity. Servers usually make a small amount per hour or day, but they can earn much more in tips if they do a good job. It’s also an excellent way to improve your social and sales skills by talking to people.

5. Barista at a Coffee Shop

Barista at a Coffee Shop
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Coffee shops are becoming more and more prevalent these days, and there are plenty of opportunities for young people to become baristas. It involves a lot of creativity and can be a fun environment to work in.

The hourly pay isn’t very high when you start, but it’s also possible to earn tips if you do a good job.

6. Ice Cream Scooper at a Local Dessert Shop

Ice Cream Scooper at a Local Dessert Shop
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The job of an ice cream scooper is similar to that of a barista but without the need to remember recipes or make latte art. It can be a fun experience, and you can meet many great people, both coworkers and customers. The money isn’t bad, either – depending on where you work, you can take home around $30,000 annually.

Jobs in the Pet Care Industry

7. Dog Walker or Pet Sitter for Neighbors or Friends

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If you love animals, there shouldn’t be a question that this is a great option. Pet sitting is the new babysitting, and many busy people need someone to take care of their pets during the day or when they’re away. It’s a satisfying job that can be a lot of fun.

The income will depend on how many people use your services and where you live, but you can determine your own pay to some extent, which is excellent.

8. Assistant at a Local Pet Grooming Salon

Assistant at a Local Pet Grooming Salon
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Another great way to spend time with animals is to become an assistant at a pet grooming salon. Apart from the pay, which can be pretty good, it also allows you to learn the tricks of the trade to become a pet groomer one day.

9. Volunteer at Animal Shelters or Rescue Organizations

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Volunteering somewhere like an animal shelter can be a gratifying but challenging job. You get the opportunity to help animals that wouldn’t have received help otherwise, but it takes quite an emotional toll.

Though there isn’t necessarily money involved (it’s called “volunteering,” after all), some shelters pay their volunteers. It’s usually not much because most shelters are charities. Still, the satisfaction of making a difference in an animal’s life is gratifying and gives you valuable future experience.

Jobs in the Recreation and Entertainment Industry

10. Lifeguard at a Community Pool or Beach

Lifeguard at a Community Pool or Beach
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Many teenagers start their careers as lifeguards, though it has some stricter requirements than other jobs. You must be a good swimmer and have plenty of strength and stamina. It’s also essential to have good communication skills and an eye for detail. You also need some first aid knowledge, though you will probably receive training for that.

You can earn quite well, though, with annual lifeguard salaries averaging between $20,000 and $30,000.

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11. Tutoring Younger Students in Subjects You Excel In

Tutoring Younger Students in Subjects You Excel In
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If there’s a particular school subject that you do very well in but that others find difficult, there’s an opportunity right there. You will probably find it relatively easy to identify younger students at your school or neighboring schools that want a tutor in that subject. Your income will depend on how many students you can tutor, so there’s a lot of potential.

12. Assistant at a Local Summer Camp or Recreational Center

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Being an assistant at a summer camp or recreational center is an excellent opportunity to learn many life skills, earn money, and have fun at the same time. You need leadership skills (which you can learn as you go along) and the ability to communicate well. But the earning potential is quite good, with most assistants earning approximately $26,000 annually.

Jobs in the Technology Industry

13. Freelance Graphic Design or Website Development

If you’re a creative person with an eye for high-quality design and a keen understanding of design software, you can earn a lot of money by performing freelance graphic- or web design jobs. Your income will depend on you, and you can find customers by going to your local businesses or online freelancing forums and websites.

14. Social Media Assistant for Small Businesses

Social Media Assistant for Small Businesses
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Businesses all need a social media presence these days, but not all small business owners understand social media. They need someone who enjoys social platforms to help them run this presence by coming up with post ideas, creating content, and interacting with online followers. If you like social media, this might be a great opportunity!

15. Video Editing or Content Creation for Online Platforms

Video Editing or Content Creation for Online Platforms
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Many businesses don’t know how to create compelling content for their social platforms or YouTube channels. If you know computers and understand these platforms, you can offer your editing or content creation services to these businesses to design posts and social content or to edit videos for their YouTube or TikTok channels.

Jobs in the Community Service Sector

16. Library Assistant or Book Shelver

Library Assistant or Book Shelver
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People who love books will hardly see this as a job, but it is an opportunity to earn money while doing something you love. Library assistants primarily ensure that books stay organized on their shelves and return the books that people have finished with to their appropriate spots. They can also help library visitors to find specific books they are looking for.

Depending on your region, the pay can be pretty good at approximately $15 per hour.

17. Junior Counselor at a Local Youth Program

Junior Counselor at a Local Youth Program
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Junior counselors are an essential part of any youth program’s team. Many young people would rather talk to someone close to their own age than with an adult. You have to follow strict guidelines to ensure that the youth get the help or assistance they need, but you can be involved in many activities, like sports and recreation, while making a difference in kids’ lives.

18. Volunteer at a Community Garden or Park Clean-Up

Volunteer at a Community Garden or Park Clean-Up
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As mentioned, many volunteer jobs don’t come with pay, but they are excellent opportunities for personal growth, and there are some that offer remuneration. If you have a local community garden or park, it’s worth enquiring about the possibility of getting involved.

It will make a difference in your community, teach you essential life skills, and maybe even earn you some money in the process.

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Jobs in the Personal Services Industry

19. Babysitting for Families in Your Neighborhood

Babysitting for Families in Your Neighborhood
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Babysitting is one of the traditional ways young people earn money, and it’s still a great option today. The income potential is considerable since many families need babysitters and are willing to pay decently for your services.

You must be pretty mature to handle young kids, though, and there’s a delicate balance between being their friend and a responsible older person. But it’s a role you will probably get used to pretty quickly.

20. Lawn Mowing or Gardening Services

Lawn Mowing or Gardening Services
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Everyone has a garden that they need to take care of, but not everyone has the time to do so. If you walk around in your neighborhood and ask some of your neighbors, there’s a good chance they will be willing to pay you to mow their lawns or clean their gardens once a week, which means you can find more gardens to care for, earning you more money in the process.

21. House Cleaning or Organizing Assistance

House Cleaning or Organizing Assistance
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Like gardening, many people don’t have time to clean their homes properly. Other people might need to clear out their garage or garden shed, which can quickly get cluttered and disorganized. These situations are excellent opportunities to earn money by helping people clean or organize their homes.

Jobs in the Creative Arts Industry

22. Art and Craft Sales at Local Markets or Fairs

Art and Craft Sales at Local Markets or Fairs
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If you are a creative person, or you know someone who is, you can make quite a lot of money by selling these art pieces or crafts at local fairs and markets. Most towns have regular market days, and you can often get a stall relatively cheaply. But if your work is good, you can earn quite a significant income by attending these markets regularly.

23. Music or Dance Instructor for Younger Children

Music or Dance Instructor for Younger Children
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If you have any skill that younger kids might want to learn, like dancing or playing a musical instrument, you can start teaching them. Don’t feel that you aren’t “good enough” yet; if you’ve been doing it for about a year, you already know much more than some children, and you can teach those skills. It’s immensely satisfying, and you can earn substantial money.

24. Photography Assistant or Photo Booth Operator

Photography Assistant or Photo Booth Operator
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Photographers live busy lives and often juggle several things during a photo shoot. That’s why many photographers employ assistants to help them with their set, manage props, change lights, etc.

Operating a photo booth can also be quite rewarding. You set up booths at events and run the system; minimal photography experience is needed. There’s also quite a sizeable income potential for both photography jobs.

25. Etsy Seller

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If you are good at creating and designing things, you can always open an Etsy store and sell your products online. Etsy allows teenagers to sell, but their parents must open the store. However, with some promotion on social media, you can get your artwork and creative ideas to people worldwide and get paid for doing something you love!


You can do various jobs at 14 that will help you earn some money, and the opportunities are nearly endless. Whether it’s walking dogs, babysitting, volunteering, becoming a library assistant, or any of the other options, it will give you a significant boost toward a promising future.

But don’t be limited by these options. They are a great starting point and worth exploring for the life skills and experience you can gain. But you are only limited by your ingenuity. Go out there and find something to do. The money is excellent, but the most crucial aspect is to learn new skills, so don’t be afraid to try something new!


what jobs can you get at 14


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Jorge Raziel author of Thebestbusinessadvice
Jorge Raziel author of Thebestbusinessadvice


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